OurĀ Services

Soil chemical analysis survey

We do soil chemical analysis surveys on various grid sizes which includes 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 hectare grids. The soil analysis include the following: pH (H2O/KCl), P (Bray I/II), Ca, Mg, K, Na, S (AmAc), Exchangeable Acidity, Density. (Calculated Cation %, -ratios, S -and T-values). Geographical maps of these findings together with rectification prescription maps of P, K, Gypsum and Agricultural lime is provided as a deliverable. Fertilizer recommendations can also be provided as well as variable rate application maps and files.

Soil physical classification surveys.

Soil physical classification on various grid sizes which includes 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 hectare grids.The soil classification is done according to the South African Taxonomic Soil Classification up to a depth of 3.3 meters or up to the effective depth. More than 133 observations are made from a single profile which are noted and 7 calculations and recommendations are made from the information. This survey is done only once on an area and it will provide valuable management information.

Fertilizer recommendations and management

Fertilizer is one of the more expensive inputs in crop production. We provide the advice and recommendation service to aid producers to produce their crops economically and sustainably.

Farm maps

Measuring farm infrastructure with accurate GPS equipment.

ApexGro Solutions

What we do!

ApexGro Solutions provide soil physical and chemical analysis surveys with expert interpretations, advice and recommendations for the preparation of various annual and permanent crop production areas as well as economical nutritional advice for optimum profitable and sustainable production.

Water analysis and interpretation

Water analysis and interpretation for basic human and animal use, irrigation, Global G.A.P. Assessment, Micro Organisms, Total dissolved solids and heavy metals.

Plant analysis and interpretation

Plant analysis and interpretation for leaves, leaf sap, whole fruits, vegetables and Petiole NU-Test.

Soil analysis and interpretation

Soil analysis and interpretation for the following methods: Standard Soil, Mehlich III Package, Mehlich III Complete Package, Cape Standard, Cape Basic, Water Extract, Saturated Paste Extract and Soil Health.



ApexGro Solutions only useĀ NviroTek Laboratories‘ services for analysis.
NviroTek Laboratories is an Agricultural Lab and is an independent national, world-class analytical facility in Southern Africa.